Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My Mother's Children

This article is dedicated to my mom who has been teaching and nurturing young children for the last 30 odd years.
Well, there was just one small thing that my mom hated in her teaching profession - " Exam paper correction". These were the times when gloom would fill her up and she would hunt for people to help her in the correction chore. Well, it was run-time for me. Sometimes my dad would be the sufferer and would help her in totalling up the marks. Well, that my mom had to redo the correction again after he did it, was another matter. He would however argue judiciously, "So what if they get an extra mark here and there, poor things! As if it would make that much of a difference!" ...and so the correction saga would continue. For me and my cousins, it was mainly correcting the fill-in-the-blanks or the one-word answers cuz we could not be trusted with more.
And so we would start with a frown! However, I must say that my mom's students did make it amusing for us most of the times. The extent of creativity that children can show while answering exam papers is truly amazing. They were so funny that we used to literally fall off our chairs laughing. Mom used to feel offended and would snatch the papers from us!
Well, I should say that most of her students are doing great in life right now and in the coolest jobs. We all write hideously some time or the other in our childhood (or even later)!
Here are some master pieces that are forever imprinted in my mind:
1. What are the two great cities of the Indus Valley Civilization?
- Mahindra and Hariappa.
2. Who is the Prime Minister of India?
- Mr. Watch-pie.
3. Can you suggest a slogan for eradicating illetracy?
- Each one eat one.
(They were taught - Each one teach one)

4. What is the importance of the following: Mt.Everest, Delhi, Mount Batten, Mrs Annie Besant.

- Annie Besant climbed Mount Batten.
and so on and on............
Well, the wonderful yesteryears!! The wonder years!!


manuscrypts said...

aha, i always suspected that exam paper correcting was a family affair... that explains the 5 marks i got for the reworked ddlj script that I'd given as my only answer to the entire electrical engineering 'improvement' paper :D

Anonymous said...

hehe well done you Aditya Chopra.

Cynic in Wonderland said...

each one eat one sounds like a slogan for eradicating overpopulation?

annie besant climbed mountbatten is hilarious!

Anonymous said...

LOL.. out of the mouth of babes..
Have a good weekend.. :) and Happy independence day.. :)

Anonymous said...

progress of the human race depends on the intelligent ones,but god bless these blundering kids, tey make the world merrier

Compassion Unlimitted said...

First of all congrats to your mom for being a teacher for over 3 decades.An amazing profession by itself & great to know many of her students have made her proud by moving up in life.
As regards the bloomers in answer sheet,they made real fun reading.Surely you are remembering just a few of them ,try to recollect more and post them.Light reading it makes with smile all over ones face !!

Pooja said...

heh yeah sure. There are too many actually...just can't recollect. Will post more soon. Thank you. my mom is a regular reader here, am sure she will be happy reading your comment. :)

lemon said...

lol, i know what you mean, i used to correct papers for my aunt! one thing that i clearly remember...

make sentences:


'the little girl asked her teacher the meaning of acquired'


Pooja said...

heheh how smart is that!!

Anonymous said...

hmm... nice one... you made me fel nostalgic .. i am feeling to get back to school now...

fighting for a single mark just to pass the exam.. and my school teachers were great. and the best part is that all the teachers remember their students even if they meet up after a long time..

Those were the best days of my life...

Pooja said...

yeah! I know..teachers have fond memories no matter how naughty you were....and so do the students. You can never forget your teachers.

claytonia vices said...

Nearly fell off the seat myself with this one: "4. What is the importance of the following: Mt.Everest, Delhi, Mount Batten, Mrs Annie Besant.

- Annie Besant climbed Mount Batten."

and of course each one eat one!!

Arunima said...

"Annie Besant climbed Mount Batten."
Imagine answering this when you are in college.

Nithya said...

I can imagine the amount of fun you would have had correcting those papers. :-)
Some kids think so differently!!

The Happy Human Jellyfish said...


this reminded me of a nasty, but really funny joke.It goes something like this..

How do we solve the two most important problems in the world right now?

By getting the hungry to eat the homeless

Winnie the poohi said...

lol nice one!

had fun reading.. I helped my mom counting marks. but i loved it :) the whole process of counting marks and filling the report card made me feel important